
Copyright Policy

Land24 Empire Corp, along with its users and content suppliers, owns all the words, pictures, logos, buttons, and software on our Services. These things are kept safe by copyright laws. Land24 Empire Corp is in charge of all the computer programs used on this website and mobile app. The other logos you see on this site that Land24 Empire Corp doesn’t own might not have any connection to Land24 Empire Corp or its friends.

You can’t put up, send out, or copy any content, trademarks, or special information that belongs to someone else without getting permission first. If you think someone copied your work and put it on the Land24 Empire Corp site in a way that breaks the rules, tell our copyright person. Say what work you own that someone copied, where you saw the copied thing on our site, sign your name (either with a pen or on a computer), and say you really believe the rule-breaking isn’t allowed. Also, promise that what you’re saying is true and you own the copyright or you’re allowed to talk for the owner. You can send your message to the copyright person at the address you see under the “Contact Us” part of the website.

The stuff on the Site, like words, looks, and features is protected by rules about copyright and ideas. You can’t sell, share, give out, copy, show, change, make new things from, or do any of that stuff with the Site or part of it without asking us first. We have some rights that we don’t talk about here, but we still have them. We’ll work hard to make sure our stuff is protected.

If you use information or things from Land24 Empire Corp without asking, you might break rules about copyright, private things, trademarks, showing people’s faces, and other laws. You’re the only one responsible for what happens when you use your username, password, or anything else.

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